FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 15, 2022 CONTACT: Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921, Statement by Jeremy Ferguson, President SMART Transportation Division and Dennis Pierce, President, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen On Tentative Agreement Reached Early This Morning Between Unions Representing Conductors and Engineers and the Nation’s Class I Railroads Early this morning following nearly three years…
Members in Local 1263 (Valdosta, Ga.) are in mourning after their Local Chairperson Richard G. Keen Jr., 36, was killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver Saturday, Sept. 10 while on his way home from work as an engineer at Norfolk Southern. A member of SMART-TD since 2007, Keen became active in…
A safety alert was issued this week after the discovery of tripwires by a Class I worker Aug. 19 stretching from rail spikes to a sign across the ballast near Harrisonville, Mo. “The affixing of these wires – difficult to find even when looking for them, much less see while performing professional duties along the…
The SMART Transportation Division is seeking high-quality bus and rail photos for the annual Alumni Association calendar. If your photo is chosen, you will receive five copies of the calendar featuring your photo. All photos should be taken from a clear point of safety. Your high-resolution, horizontal photos should be submitted to by no…
SMART Transportation Division President Jeremy R. Ferguson issued the following statement on Aug. 18, 2022: On Tuesday, August 16, 2022, Presidential Emergency Board 250 (PEB 250) provided the White House with its recommendations for settlement between the National Carriers’ Conference Committee (NCCC) and the United Rail Unions coalition. And while the recommendations of PEB 250…